Targeted SMS Marketing

//Targeted SMS Marketing

Everybody has a phone with them, look around and you will find not a single person without a phone. This can be used as an advantage for marketing. A text on the phone cannot be ignored and the secret lies in the display of the message with the appropriate message and company name. We will help you maintain that lasting relationship with your customers. It is important that we have a set of loyal customers which is formed only by maintaining that business relationship. This is where we come in. Eve Cloud Solutions uses the latest and most effective marketing tool of targeted SMS marketing, notifying the customers every now and then after you have interacted with them during your first business exchange. The customers are kept updated about your business deals and offers, the special discounts available only for them and all the necessary promotional messages by just a simple yet strong medium of SMS on the respective phones of your customers. The benefits that we would be offering you by using targeted SMS marketing are:

  • We will help you be where your customers are no matter which ever corner of the globe they are. Yes it is possible through our efforts of SMS marketing where we keep them intact about your company and your offerings wherever they may be .We will keep them informed and alert of all the offers that you put forth for them. You would definitely want as many customers as possible for the offers and discounts that you put up for a limited time period; we will help you achieve that benchmark through the SMS targeting tools.
  • Last minute changes and add on may be communicated effectively without having to spend much in trying to communicate to your respective customers. We speed up the process by using our service of SMS marketing.
  • Our features of mass texting, two way communication, personalized texts, appropriate campaigns and surveys; we have it all for you.
Why is Targeted SMS marketing important?

SMS Marketing is a simple, fast, and reliable way to communicate with all your clients. SMS Marketing allows you to meet a wide variety of people all at once. Customers have their cell phones at hand, making it easy for them to get the message across.